When they were presented with the truth, Ivan, Iona,
Jasper, and Ophelia took on the deeper understanding of their manifest purpose. It was something they had been secretly
harboring all along, individually, anyway. To avenge their parents' death, and restore peace to Matuszakstan and Earth3
became one objective. The only problem was public support. How many amidst the reigning disorder could be counted as loyal?
As they stepped from the small antechamber where they had been discussing their plans, and into the enormous underground
cavern adjacent to it, they got their answer. Thousands upon thousands were gathered to watch the miracle unfold, and await
the words that would give shape and direction to their common wants. I think they were, Let's do it!
It was known that King Shaddam was lurking about in the abandoned casinos situated in the Valley of Storms, surrounded by
chemically-loyal bodyguards and strait-jacket types ostracized by the relatively stable insurrectionists in the rest of
the country. It was also known that he was preparing to enslave the people of Earth3, declare the
land once known as Matuszakstan to be Shaddamistan, and basically continue to be a real scumbag. News of his chemical
terror tactics was leaking across all tribal boundaries, filling them all with similar fears and therefore similar purpose.
And then news of four beings rising like a ferment from the shambles of this society spread across the land like a warm
blanket, offering hope and security, and many warring factions threw aside their petty power struggles to unite if only
out of curiosity, to travel together to the cities to find out for themselves the truth. It was better than they had envisioned.
Ivan, Iona, Jasper, and Ophelia led the many warriors, attacking the Valley of Storms from four different directions, and in no
time did they have control of the area. King Shaddam was deposed violently and unceremoniously, his faithful bodyguards cut down
like dandelions beneath a scythe. The King himself was taken alive, brought to the highest tower in the center of the country, and
condemned to death. From each of the four palaces a strong length of laser-wire was shot over the miles, where they all met in the
center and were wrapped around Shaddam. At a signal, the four strands of wire were pulled from their separate directions, and the
King went with them. It was later said that he was literally scattered to the four winds.
The flags of Matuszakstan went up all over the land amidst great cheering and celebration. Before the state-sanctioned orgies, parties, and lunacy
could officially commence, Ivan, Iona, Jasper, and Ophelia each took place at the podium to give praise to themselves and everyone else who
had triumphed that day, and asked for a moment of remembrance in honor of the good Princess Anastasia for her daring and loyalty, and to
Santiago de Gama Matuszak, for his bravery and forgiveable dimwittedness. Applause thundered, scaring the peacocks about, and that day became
the fulcrum for much art in commemoration of the events. Epic poetry, plays, stories, novels, paintings, songs, and websites were devoted to
the subject for years to come.
Cavern Multitude

Celebration at Palace