Meanwhile, things on Earth2 were not well.
King Shaddam was in a fury over his daughter's betrayal. He also was losing many of his once-loyal people to this
newly sprung-up land on the planet he had until recently held in his fist. People openly mocked him, whereas
before they hid behind obsequious terror. He knew his daughter was popular with the people, but he always
interpreted this love as somehow directed at himself. Now the truth was apparent, and it angered him. Even worse,
it depleted his treasury, for the people he depended upon to squeeze lifeblood from were leaving in droves.
He watched the new colony spring up, and watched the profits of his enterprises fall accordingly, and then he
took aside his most faithful and brainwashed hired killers and gave them instructions. They accepted their
payment and took a shuttle across the sea of space to Earth3, landing just off the shore of Santiago Bay,
their purpose clear.
One morning, on the anniversary of Matuszakstan's declaration of existence, Santiago and his Princess watched
the sun and the nearby forest planet of Yarkata rise over the emerald bay. It was to be a busy day, what with
the parades and speeches and ceremonies and orgies about to take place; this moment of calm
stood out like a bubble they rested and breathed in. It was peaceful. The people loved them, loved the
kingdom that was being created. Once-hardened criminals transformed into respectable citizens as they crossed by
boat from their prison islands, vying for a place in society. Interesting architecture was being erected all over
the place. Their children were safe, and best of all, there was no news from Earth2, apart from that of King
Shaddam being toppled like the faltering old incubis he always was. Life was good.
Then everything went wrong. As crowds were gathered in the magnificent public plaza before Jasper's palace, and
Santiago and his Princess prepared to step to the podium and make celebratory speeches, Shaddam's rogue hunters
burst forth over the breaking waves like hideous Valkyries, targeted through the main halls of the palace,
and emerged before the shocked crowd, clutching Santiago and Antastasia in death-grips.
Next: Religion speaks.
Satellite rendering of Island

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