Mount Matuszak, of the Matuszaks Range,
overlooked Santiago bay, which
was fed by the Rio de Gama, until Princess Anastasia took Santiago aside and gently chided him on his vanity
and redundancy, at which point he declared Mount Tatiana to be overlooking not only Santiago Bay, but the
breathtaking Anastasia steppes. Various lesser rivers and streams he allowed her to name after her whims, and
never once chided her on her choices. But on one point he stood firm; the stylized M of the Matuszakstan flag
was planted in the country's highest peak.
As the masses naturally gathered at various points around the island, settlements became villages, which quickly
became towns, and finally cities, of which there were four. They were named thus: Jasper to the Northwest,
Ophelia to the Southeast, Iona to the Southwest, and Ivan to the Northeast. Unbeknownst to even their inhabitants,
they were so named after the quadruplets Princess Anastasia bore in secrecy. Santiago and his bride knew that
their lives were in danger, especially after their bold escape and not especially bright decision to found a
new country while King Shaddam was after their blood, so it was agreed that the children would be separated
and raised independently, to only be told of their identities when the time was right. It was a difficult
decision to make, but circumstances had left no alternative. Only the most trusted allies were informed of this
plan, and it was to them that this task was given. In secret complexes of chambers that were constructed underneath
the various hastily built palaces in each city, the children were raised, tutored, mentored, and kept safe.
Next: Dealing in Commerce.

Matuszakstan Mountains
Jasper Palace

Ophelia Palace

Iona Palace

Ivan Palace